Xinjiang Jimusaer Qinghua Chemical Co.,Ltd.
★項目詳情 | ●Project Details |
工程類型:煤化工 | ●Engineering Type:Coal chemical industry |
工程名稱:5 萬噸/年粗苯萃取精餾 | ●Project Name:5 tons of Crude benzene’s |
精制裝置技改項目 | extraction ,rectification and purification |
device technical improvement project per year | |
項目地址:新疆維吾爾自治區昌吉回族 | ●Project Add:Jimusaer Town,Changji Hui |
自治州吉木薩爾縣 | Aotonomous Prefecture,Uygur Autonomous |
Region,Xinjiang. | |
承包方式:總承包 | ●Contract Mode:General contracting |
施工內容:設備、管道安裝,電氣儀表 | ●Construction Content: Installation of |
氣儀表安裝,防腐保溫,土建施工。 | equipment and pipeline,installation of electricalinstrument, anticorrosion and thermal insulation and civil construction. |
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